mandag 7. november 2011

Things doesn't always go as planned

The doubt had been there since she started. That little voice had asked her so many times "is this really what you want to do?" She had said yes, because at the time, she thought it was. That nagging feeling she had, had started as this question. As the days went on, and she got to know the new people around her, it disappeared for a while. The lessons were hard, and she had to study a lot, but she did it, because she wanted to do this. She had a lot of fun with the new people she met. Her group, group number 5, just had to be the best group. They had so much fun together, but when they had to, they were also very good at working on assignments together. It was great. That is one of the reason she stayed.

After a while though, that nagging feeling came back. She became unsure, very unsure. But she stayed. She enjoyed her time with her group. But she couldn't stop thinking that this was wrong.

One day, it became enough. She decided that this wasn't for her. She was done. And so she quit. The very next day, she had told the people she needed to, and she was done. Her feelings were mixed. Now she had to tell her group. She did after a couple days, and they took it well, and wished her good luck with what she chose. It was a big relief to finally have told them. 

The very next day, she woke up with a smile on her face, and she felt amazing. She knew what she wanted to now, what she wanted to do with her life. And it was a great feeling. 

All she had to do now was wait. Wait until she could start over with what she really wanted. And while she was waiting, she was gonna work. Hopefully at the school right next to her, as a substitute, just to get a feeling of what it was like. But she knew. She finally knew, and she did not feel unsure about this. She knew what to do, she just didn't know where to go to school. But she didn't worry too much about that, she had time to figure it out. 

She was finally happy. Her days were good, no matter what happened. She was happy with herself and what she choose to do. She finally felt as her life was gonna be great. 


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