torsdag 8. mars 2012

When giving up seems like the only option

The days go by, and I hear nothing from you. I'm weak, so I always find something I have to ask you, and that is always how it starts. You never take the initiativ, even though I've told you what you can do to make things better. I get that you don't have time for me when I have time for you, and I'm okay with it. Sort of.

I  miss it, the sound of your voice, your warm arms wrapped around me. Fingers intertwined, it felt like our hands were made for eah other. I miss the way you made me feel. Your hugs that would make me feel safe, even though everything around me seemed to collapse. Your kisses. Oh, how those kisses made me feel. I miss seing you. Laughing with you, at you. I miss how you always seemed to make me smile. Lately it has been more tears than smiles because of you.

Is it because I miss you, or do I just miss the feelings? For the longest time I thought I was sure that I missed you. Now I am not so sure anymore. There is another one that makes me smile. Who gives me great hugs. A someone that I see everyday, and when I don't, I hope I run into him somewhere. A someone who is able to make my day just by saying I dressed nicely. Or that I smell so good. You are still in the back of my mind, but why?

You say you're not over it, but if I still meant the same to you, then surely you would have been able to find some time for me. Not only find, but make time for me. How do you expect me to keep going like this if I never hear from you? Or if you never do what I have told you
you could to make things better?

It takes two to tango. And I also thought that the man was the one leading, not the woman.

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