Everything was suppose to be so perfect when she came back. He had written it to her so many times how it was gonna be the best time for him, and she would agree. All those "I love you" she had read, was finally going to be heard. All those nights spent missing him would be so worth it.
But it wasn't. Something was wrong, something wasn't right. He was distant, he was acting different than last time they had seen each other. Different than what he had said he would. This wasn't how she had imagined it.
All those times he had told her he loved her, had it just been a lie? -No, she told herself. It couldn't be. The feelings had been there, the love between them so strong. Maybe that was it, the love was too strong for both of them to handle. Yeah, that's what she told herself, that's the reason things were as they were.
Before she came back, he had told her how he was scared. Excited to see her again, but scared. Scared that her feelings for him had changed, scared that he would loose her. - How ironic, she thought to herself. She was the one who had lost him, not the other way around. She was the one left alone now, she was the one who cried herself to sleep all those nights. He had moved on.
She didn't give her heart out to just anybody, she was picky. She barely opened up to people, but it had been something about him. For the first time, she let someone in. For the first time, she let a person know absolutely everything about her. For the first time, she fell in love. Oh, if she had only known from the beginning how it would end. From now on she would definitely be careful about opening her heart for guys. Her heart had been broken so bad, and she thought it would never heal.
So maybe they were right after all, those people that told her she would never forget her first love. Maybe she didn't want to forget him. Her first boyfriend. Her first kiss. And her first love. But what got her through those rough days? It was the image from her future, the image where she was holding a baby boy. Her very own baby boy. Who was the father? She had no idea, and she didn't care at the time. It showed her that she would find someone. It could be her first love, or the rich husband she had dreamed about. She didn't care. Her happy ending would come, some day.
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Don't worry my child. You will learn to love again.